Everyone knows that people snore, but did you know that dogs snore too?
In fact, some dogs snore so loudly that their owners have trouble sleeping and wonder are there any dog snoring remedies?
The truth is that dog snoring is not a laughing matter at all, and could be a sign of a more serious issue.
Dog snoring, just like human snoring, happens due to the airway being obstructed so no air or little air can get through. Thus it produces a very loud grunt type of noise because the dog’s soft palate is vibrating. Sometimes it’s combined with a hiccupping type of sound in dogs, and it’s common in certain kinds of dogs too.
While snoring in dogs could seem like just an annoying situation, in some cases it could be a very serious problem that could mean a trip to your veterinarian to get dog snoring remedies or other treatments.
Causes for dog snoring
Just like in people, there are several things that cause dogs to snore, and of course several kinds of dog snoring remedies exist.
Overweight dogs
A biggie in dogs is if they are overweight. Just like a human, if a dog is obese it likely means there is excess throat tissue, so when they sleep this tissue falls down and ends of blocking the airway.
Secondhand smoke
No, the dog doesn’t snore, but if their owner does, it can be very bad for their pet. Dogs are quite sensitive to the smoke from tobacco and it can badly irritate the dog’s airways due to secondhand smoke. If you smoke, especially if you are a chain smoker, you are hurting your dog and part of that damage is making the dog snore. Secondhand smoke could also lead to the dog developing bronchitis or asthma, so make sure they see the veterinarian.
Dogs can also possibly have some sort of allergy. This is actually pretty common in dogs. Many dogs can end up allergic to the same irritants as their owners, such as dust, weeds, pollen, or other common items. If so and they are exposed to the item that they are allergic to, their nostrils and airway will get inflamed, and itchy. Then the dog will possibly snore due to mucus blocking their nostrils and causing breathing problems.
They have a cold
Dogs can get colds just like people can. If your dog suddenly started snoring and they are also sneezing, you may suspect they have a cold. If so, they need to see the veterinarian for help to treat the cold, which hopefully will stop the snoring.
Facial features
Dogs with a pushed in facial structure are more likely to snore than other breeds of dogs. This is called brachycephalic features. This would include dogs like bulldogs, boxers, pugs, Shiatzu, Shar-pei or Pekingese. Due to the shape of their face, when they sleep the windpipe could flatten out, thus blocking the airway and so the dog will snore.
Position the dog sleeps in
Another thing that can contribute to making a dog snore is the position he sleeps in. If he sleeps in a position that puts him on his back, he is more likely to have a snoring problem, than dogs that prefer sleeping in curled up position, or that sleep on their stomachs. It could be hard, but if you can encourage your pet to sleep in a different position, it could cure his snoring problem. Maybe you can buy them a round doggie bed that make it easier to curl up or sleep differently. It’s worth a try!
Dental Issues
Dogs can also have dental issues that could cause them to snore. For instance, if the dog has a rotten tooth or an abscess that goes clear into its sinus passages, then it could cause snoring. This could also develop into a more serious infection, so any dog with a dental issue should be taken to the veterinarian immediately to get the proper treatment.
Foreign object obstruction
If your dog has a foreign object stuck in either the throat or the nose, it will block his or her nasal passages. If not a foreign object, it’s possible the dog has some sort of cyst or nasal tumor, which can be very dangerous and requires quick attention by a veterinarian. This makes it very hard for the dog to breathe. It not only can cause snoring; it is very serious problem and the dog needs to get immediate treatment or it could die.
Some kinds of medicines
Another thing that can cause snoring in dogs is if they are taking certain kinds of medicines. These include muscle relaxers, sedatives, antihistamines or tranquilizers since all of these can relax the muscles in the throat. If this is the case, the dog should quit snoring once they have finished the course of medication.
This cause for dog snoring is a fungal infection. It happens due to the dog inhaling a certain kind of mold spores. These spores can be in a compost pile, grass, or in hay. It causes the nasal lining to get irritated and inflamed, so the dog will snore. You must get treatment from a veterinarian to cure this infection.
Dog snoring remedies
Besides the possible dog snoring remedies mentioned previously, here are some other things owners can do to help their dog stop snoring:
- Be sure to clean the dog’s bedding on a regular basis, and if they are prone to snoring, it’s a good idea to do this every day via laundering or vacuuming their bed.
- If your dog is allergic to certain kinds of pollen or other vegetation, try to keep track of the pollen levels and only take them for walks when this is rated low whenever possible. Try to keep the dust level down if they are allergic to dust by vacuuming your home regularly.
- If your dog snores due to being overweight, it’s time to start feeding them a nutritious and healthy diet without lots of fatty or sugary treats. Plus they need to get a lot of exercise, so they should get lots of walks and you can play games that encourage lots of movement like playing ball or playing with a frisbee. When the dog gets down to a normal, heathy weight they should quit snoring.
- If you own one of the breeds of dogs mentioned previously that tend to snore, there could be a type of surgery that will help the dog breathe better and so snore less. Talk to your veterinarian to see if your pet is a good candidate for this surgery.
- Change the dog’s sleeping position. As discussed previously, one way to do this is to get them a different shaped bed that encourages them to curl up to sleep. Or, you could try to get the dog to sleep with his head on a pillow or a ledge of some sort, as that works to stop snoring too.
- If your dog is snoring due to irritation from secondhand smoke, the only thing you can do is stop smoking. That would be healthy for you as well as your pet. If you can’t stop smoking, as least try to smoke outside and nowhere near your dog.
- Medications – there are also certain kinds of medication you might be able to use to help your dog stop snoring. These medications help to shrink the throat tissue if the dog snores due to that tissue being swollen. Plus it dries up the dog’s sinuses if they have a cold and so there’s less mucus that could be blocking their nasal passageways and making the dog snore. Talk to your veterinarian to see if they recommend these medications.
If your dog snores and none of these recommendations or dog snoring remedies seem to help be sure that you schedule an appointment with your veterinarian right away. Then the vet can diagnose the reason for the dog’s snoring and recommend a course of action.