Dreams About Ghosts (What Do They Mean?)

Dreams can be wonderful and magical, they can be awe inspiring, and of course they can also be creepy and even terrifying.

The other night, I woke up in the night after having a dream about ghosts in my house—it wasn’t too bad, but it did shake me quite a bit.

It got me wondering, though, about what it could all have meant.

It’s not something I’ve really dreamt about before, so I got wondering what it could mean and if I needed to look deeper into anything.

So, what does it mean to dream about ghosts?

It is often thought to be the spirit of someone, or something recently passed, your mind communicating it to you and manifesting them. Whether a friend, relative or pet recently passed, this could be your last goodbye. It could also be something simpler, that you are afraid on some level.

Dreams about ghosts can vary quite a lot, then, depending on your own circumstances.

It could mean something as simple as a basic fear, or it could be your mind processing loss or grief.

You must consider the content of the dream itself, and what it could have meant to you individually.

Then you will be able to start interpreting it.

Let’s look further into this.


What does it mean to dream of ghosts?

In some ways, dreaming about ghosts have much more individualized meanings than almost anything else.

Ghosts can mean many things to many people, and so you’re going to have to start by looking inwards.

Do ghosts frighten you?

Do you wish you could reconnect with someone who has passed on?

Then, think about the content of the dream.

Were you in contact with a gentler spirit, or were you pursued by something more sinister?

These are crucial questions you need to ask for a proper interpretation.

The most common reason ghosts appear in your dreams is that you are fearing for something subconsciously.

That could really be anything, but ghosts manifesting in your dreams could be an embodiment of that fear.

So, the only simple answer is that there really is no simple answer.

Ghosts may mean something vastly different to you as to another person, and so you’ve really got to plumb the depths of your own relationship with the supernatural.

Let’s look at ghost symbology.


What do ghosts symbolize?

Again, the answer is that ghosts symbolize many things.

In the simplest sense, they usually symbolize some aspect of loss.

Loss of a loved one, a pet, a partner, even the loss of something within yourself.

But ghosts can also symbolize the spirit world in general.

An opening between this world and the next, indicating that there is something perhaps beyond this plain that you are fixated on.

Unfinished business is often one way of putting it.

There is something that you are putting off, something perhaps that you need closure on but haven’t been able to get.

Again, the meanings can be highly varied depending on the content and character of the dream.

Symbolically speaking, though, they are most often associated with loss or unfinished business.

The thing to remember is that ghosts are far from always associated with evil spirits or hauntings.

That said, it is certainly worth considering what dreams of evil things could mean.


What does it mean to dream of evil things?

When we speak of evil things in this context, we are talking about evil spirits.

Malcontents, poltergeists, that sort of thing.

If you are in a dream being pursued by a ghost, you can often intuitively know it is evil just through a sense.

When we have these dreams, the most common meaning tends to be some deep fear within us.

There is something which we are perhaps not acknowledging or failing to fully acknowledge.

It can often be associated with trauma, too.

If you have experienced trauma, this very often manifests as nightmares.

These nightmares can very often take on spiritual and ghostly characters, again embodying some sense of loss or unfinished business.

This is more likely to be something you haven’t wanted to face.

But it’s important not to lump all dreams of this sort into the evil category.

Spirits take on multitudinous forms, and many of them are good.


What does it mean to see spirits in dreams?

We have a very important relationship with spirits in the dreamworld.

They can embody even our own deepest self, a sort of dream spirit animal or avatar.

Seeing spirits in dreams could mean, quite literally, anything.

Again, it is highly dependent on the character of the dream.

If you saw a spirit of an animal such as a deer, then this can represent peace and harmony.

If you see the spirit form of something more sinister, like a demon, this naturally could indicate a deeper fear and anxiety.

Spirits are there to tell us something, in one way or another.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to reach within yourself and find out.


The veil through to the next world is a mysterious thing, and it does seem as though you can sometimes peer through it.

The most natural place for this to happen is in our dreams, as indeed it has been happening to human beings since the furthest reaches of recorded time.

What your dream of ghosts and spirits might mean to you could be something deeply and profoundly personal, perhaps even something you are struggling to face up to.

It could, also, be much simpler than that—it’s up to you to make that decision.


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